Description of FCM Services for Patients

Are you concerned by that occasional chest pain, palpitation or dizzy spell? Do you have a family history of heart disease? Are you currently taking cardiac medication but are unsure that your condition is improving? These are some of the questions that can be answered with FCM cardiac services. The trend in medicine today focuses on defining and treating small problems before larger ones occur. Low cost, high diagnostic value tests are now used in this preventive medicine approach.

FCM cardiac services are currently offered throughout the United States and are available in physician offices, medical clinics, and hospitals. The purpose for FCM cardiac monitoring is to assist your physician in more accurately assessing and diagnosing your condition as it relates to cardiac symptoms, family history of heart disease, and drug titration.

FCM cardiac services are performed during your daily routine. Typically, your symptoms are more likely to occur while working, exercising, socializing, or engaging in family matters. FCM monitoring equipment is almost completely inconspicuous, which assures your privacy while at work or in public places. FCM employs the latest technology for monitoring: non-invasive, miniature recorders and transmitters worn or placed on the chest to obtain a high quality EKG signal.

Symptoms and Diagnoses

The following is a list of some of the symptoms and diagnoses for which cardiac monitoring is considered medically necessary by most third party carriers:

How to Enroll


General Questions

Patch Monitor Questions

ABPM Questions

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